30 Days Wild 2024 Sign Up + 200 Nature activity ideas

30 days wild is a fantastic initiative from the Wildlife Trusts in which they encourage people to engage with nature and the outdoors for the 30 days of June. Anyone can take part and if you sign up you can also get a fun, free activity pack here. (There are packs for family’s, care homes, businesses, schools, nursery’s and youth groups.)

Sign up for 30 days Wild Here.

We have been taking part in 30 days wild for 7 years now, Each day in June we try to do a nature related activity each day, exploring, making, baking and learning as we go. We have had so many great adventures, amazing experiences and memorable encounters with wildlife along the way. You can find a full list of all 200+ of our activity ideas listed below for inspiration. Or you could do something as simple as stopping to smell the flowers, listening to birdsong or feeling the grass beneath your feet.

There are so many things you can do to help nature, from making your garden more wildlife friendly, litter picking, getting involved in conservation and going plastic free, to volunteering at local nature reserves, supporting wildlife charities, and donating or petitioning on behalf of environmental causes.

But the most important thing you can do is share your passion and enthusiasm for it, show pictures, share stories, educate and encourage others to join in with you. We protect the things we care about, and in order to get society to care about nature we first have to get them to engage with it.

For me personally 30 days wild is very much about encouraging others to enjoy and care about nature, it’s about raising awareness and passing on knowledge, promoting conservation and supporting our local nature reserves and wildlife charities, not just for 30 days wild but as something we embrace as part of our daily lives all year round. I want my children to grow up to enjoy and appreciate nature, to be inquisitive, curious and care about the world around them.

Each day we will post up photos of our new activities for 2022 to hopefully inspire someone else to try something new. We would love for you to join us on our 30 days wild adventures and engage with nature in June even if its just in some small way.

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30 Days Wild 2023 activities

  1. 30 Mammal activity ideas
  2. 14 Seed science activity ideas
  3. 15 Dragonfly and Damselfly activity ideas
  4. 14 Buttercup activity ideas
  5. 16 Mint activity ideas
  6. 20 Grass activity ideas
  7. 20 Sun science activity ideas
  8. 10 Invasive species activity ideas
  9. 36 Bird activity ideas
  10. 15 Shark activity ideas
  11. 12 Pollution activity ideas
  12. 16 Weather science activity ideas
  13. 12 Millipede activity ideas
  14. 18 Moss activity ideas
  15. 26 Butterfly and Caterpillar activity ideas
  16. 25 Moth activity ideas
  17. 20 Bat activity ideas
  18. 14 Jellyfish activity ideas
  19. 21 Rosemary activity ideas
  20. 17 Sunflower activity ideas
  21. 12 Willow activity ideas
  22. 10 Centipede activity ideas
  23. 24 Strawberry activity ideas
  24. 14 Lichen activity ideas
  25. 14 Hoverfly activity ideas
  26. 7 Earwig activity ideas
  27. 17 Spider activity ideas
  28. 12 Clover activity ideas
  29. 33 Rose activity ideas
  30. 25 Bee activity ideas

30 Days Wild 2022 activities

  1. 20 ways to make a home for wildlife in your garden.
  2. 11 Daisy activity ideas and recipes + fun facts.
  3. 20 Gardening activity ideas +STEM.
  4. 14 Chive activity ideas and recipes + fun facts.
  5. 8 Nature hunt activity ideas.
  6. 10 Slug activity ideas + fun facts.
  7. 22 Moth activity ideas + fun facts.
  8. Nature numbers and math symbols.
  9. Exploring trees and woods 30+ activity ideas.
  10. 22 Butterfly and caterpillar activity ideas.
  11. 8 Elder tree activity ideas and recipes
  12. 21 Strawberry activity ideas and recipes
  13. 10 Woodlice activity ideas + fun facts
  14. 12 Ant activity ideas + fun facts
  15. Exploring the shore 20 activity ideas
  16. 30 Rose activity ideas and recipes
  17. 12 Fossil activity ideas
  18. 10 Crab activity ideas + fun facts
  19. 9. Mammal tracking activity ideas
  20. 100+ Insect and minibeast activity ideas
  21. 16 Beetle activity ideas + fun facts
  22. 14 Hoverfly activity ideas +fun facts
  23. 33 Bird activity ideas + fun facts
  24. 14 Spider activity ideas + fun facts
  25. 15 Nature therapy and mindfulness activity ideas
  26. 11 Bat activity ideas + fun facts
  27. 8 Rain science activity ideas
  28. 21 Lavender activity ideas and recipes
  29. 12 Seaweed activity ideas +fun facts
  30. 10 Pollution activity ideas and experiments

30 Days Wild 2021 activities

  1. Amazing ants – 3 science activities.
  2. Fossil facts and fun activities.
  3. The Great British Wildflower Hunt 2021.
  4. Community garden projects.
  5. 10 Dandelion activities, recipes and fun facts.
  6. Leaf boats and rafts.
  7. 10 Beetle activities and fun facts.
  8. 15 Rose activities and recipes.
  9. Elderflower recipes.
  10. 10 Land snail science and craft activities.
  11. 9 Nettle activities and recipes.
  12. Strawberries Rock! Citizen Science project.
  13. 14 bee activity ideas and fun facts.
  14. Nature painting + DIT nature paintbrushes and easels.
  15. Earwig activites and fun facts.
  16. 12 Strawberry activities and recipes.
  17. Nature alphabet.
  18. 5 Rainy day science activities and experiments.
  19. 20 Butterfly and caterpillar activity ideas.
  20. Exploring the shore – 15 activity ideas.
  21. Botanical dyes.
  22. 7 Mammal tracking activities.
  23. Exploring trees and woods – 25 activity ideas.
  24. 14 Freshwater and aquatic wildlife activities.
  25. 12 Nasturtium recipes and activities.
  26. 9 Spider activities and fun facts.
  27. Nature slime (Taste safe and non toxic)
  28. 12 ideas for finding insects and minibeasts.
  29. 14 Soil science and sensory activity ideas.
  30. 14 Lavender sensory activities and recipes.


  1. Hoverfly lagoons
  2. Dandelion vegan honey and caffeine free dandelion root coffee
  3. Nature painting 
  4. Making birds nests, feather quill pens and an egg-citing experiment
  5. Strawberry picking + homemade strawberry ice cream and strawberry gin.
  6. Pond dipping
  7. Nature art frames
  8. Rose petal jam and rose tea
  9. Moth traps, wine ropes and citizen science
  10. Nature hunt word game
  11. Crabbing
  12. Rainy day STEM activities
  13. The Great British Wildflower hunt
  14. Exploring the shore – activities and ideas
  15. Nettle soup, honey cake and nettle tea
  16. Butterfly life cycle, fun facts and activities
  17. Nature collages
  18. Rosemary bread, biscuits, ice cream and gin
  19. Beeswax wraps and The Great Nurdle Hunt
  20. The Big Wild Weekend Summer solstice camp out and mini beast hunt
  21. Wildlife at night survey, fun facts and activities
  22. Plant life – STEM growing activities and experiments
  23. Insect houses and bug hotels
  24. Exploring trees and woods
  25. Tataki zome – Flower pounding and leaf bashing
  26. Making a home for wildlife
  27. Nasturtium and Lavender flower biscuits and Rosemary cupcakes
  28. Natural face masks, bath bombs and soaps
  29. Botanical dyes
  30. Nature therapy and mindfulness activities.


  1. Strawberry picking and a mini beast hunt.
  2. Visited a hedgehog rescue and held baby hedgehogsidentified shells and balenced rocks on the shore.
  3. Planted an oak tree and started some seed growing experiments.
  4. Made candied rose petals.
  5. Made a wormery and took part in a Citizen science project on soil invertebrates.
  6. Made naturally scented and coloured playdough using herbs and flowers from the garden.
  7. Rainy day puddle splashing and saving snails.
  8. Helped with a bioblitz (an ecological survey) we found newts and insects. Then we held a snake and walked a lizard with the reptile academy.
  9. Looked for sea life on the shore with friends, we found a giant jellyfish, lots of little crabs and two Gobi fish.
  10. Made a rain measure and finished our seed experiments.
  11. Picked broad beans and looked for ladybirds amongst the wild daisy’s.
  12. Made welly boot plant pots and sowed wildflower seeds in the garden.
  13. Rainy day baking using herbs and flowers from the garden to make shortbread biscuits and nature themed baby sensory.
  14. A wildflower walk at a Peartree nature reserve.
  15. Pond dipping and woodland adventures with friends at Swanwick lakes nature reserve.
  16. Released and held some painted lady butterflies that we had raised from caterpillars.
  17. Made and played with some nature art frames.
  18. Created a wildlife pond for the garden.
  19. Made wildflower seeded paper to plant and grow.
  20. Snail racing, observation and tracking.
  21. Explored the shore, spotted butterflies in a wildflower meadow and made a stick rattle.
  22. Crabbing with friends and picking home grown peas to eat.
  23. Woodland adventures and setting tumble traps.
  24. Spore printing from mushrooms and looking at the insects we caught in our tumble traps.
  25. Made and buried a time capsule.
  26. Mud cakes, magic potions and leaf boats.
  27. Tree spirits, wildflower seed bombs and nature imprints from clay.
  28. Played nature games and had fun on the farm walking a goat.
  29. Painted rocks to hide, explored a woodland stream and entered a gardening competition.
  30. Nature watch fun at Sholing Valley nature reserve, finding insects and wildflowers whilst on a colour hunt.


1. Made a slowworm shelter in the garden.
2. Explored the shore and found jellyfish, crabs and winkles. We also visited a local pond and saw some baby swans.
3. Catching crabs and tree climbing.
4. Making cress seed caterpillars.
5. Homemade natural perfume.
6. Sunprint nature shapes on photographic paper
7. Baked rosemary biscuits and went on a wild walk
8. We set up an antarium to observe ants and made banana milkshakes
9. Went to the National Oceanography centre open day and picked strawberries and peas
10. Painted rocks to hide for others to find.
11. Grew a mushroom and made bird feeder bunting and a footprint tracker
12. Strawberry ice lollies and a hedgehog house.
13. Learning about decomposition and making an insect house we also encountered a Stag beetle.
14. Exploring a woodland park and feeding the ducks.
15. Made ice decorations and went strawberry picking
16 Helped with a Bioblitz at Peartree nature reserve
17. Celebrated Swanwick Lakes 25th birthday and enjoyed the family day activities
18. Sowed some wildflower seeds and supported our local nature reserves
19. Making strawberry jam, took habitat reference photos and spotted a dragonfly
20. Making wildflower seed bombs
21. Picked Rhubarb and ran wild in the fields, meadow and on the shore.
22. Enjoyed flowers and tried to help out the bees
23. Raising caterpillars and looking for minibeasts
24. Litterpicking, nature watch and making tree spirits
25. Making sun catchers and checked on our caterpillars
26. Raising Triops
27. Rainbow nature hunt and cloud binoculars
28. Den building and a teddy bears tea party
29. Nature games
30. Picking blackberries and spotting butterflies 



1. Collected flowers from the garden to talk about, press and preserve.
2. We made a wormery and we also found a worm, slowworm, and dung beetle in the garden.
3. Played a colour nature hunt game and we found a red cardinal beetle.
4. Released butterflies we had watched grow from caterpillars and found banded and garden snails to compare and talk about
6. Planted bee friendly wildflower seeds
7. Broadbean picking and we found ladybirds and ladybird larvae.
8. Picked different herbs to touch, taste, smell and talk about
9. Played a Nature Bingo/finding game in the garden
10. Joined the Butterfly Conservation Society and collected natural objects to make nature art.
11. Made colourful nature paints from flowers, fruit and plants.
13. Made a small animal foot print tracker.
14. Found some woodlice and picked strawberries to draw and eat.
15. Tried crabbing and didn’t catch anything so we explored instead and counted squirrels.
16. Crabbing successfully this time, also accidently caught a fish (we let it go)
17. Took apart a rose and talked about flowers and pollination.
18. Talked about spiders and made a spider web catcher.
19. Made a butterfly shelter.
20. Made a ladybird house
21. Looked at tadpoles and talked about the life cycle of a frog.
22. Pond dipping and talking about pong plants and wildlife.
23. Collecting different types of seeds to look and talk about.
24. Rock balancing on the shore.
25. Bug hunt in the garden and we found Rose sawfly larvae on the rose leaves.
27. Made a rain measure and talked about the water cycle.
28. Made a weather monitor and a wind sock and talked about the different types of weather.
29. Blackberry, strawberry, pea and courgette picking as well as finding and holding ladybirds.
30. Taking part in the big butterfly count.

If you like this you might like to try:

The Big Butterfly Count


The Big Seaweed Search

The Great Nurdle Hunt

New Year Plant Hunt


Big Garden Bird Watch

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